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Announcement : 1 September 22 - Recent server Migrations for

Canada 1&2, Germany 1&2, Singapore 1&2&3&4 cPanel servers, and New York Direct Admin servers have recently been migrated. You will need to update your nameservers to the new ones listed below depending on your service location :

Canada cPanel 1/2

Germany 1/2 & France & Australia 1 & Singapore 1/2/3/4

New York Direct Admin

Once the DNS propogates, your website will start working fine again. If you need further help, please open a SUPPORT TICKET , as it is the fastest way we can help you.
Most users will only need to do the above, and everything will sort itself after. The information below is only applicable to more advanced users who use custom nameservers, or external mail applications.


If you are using custom nameservers, and require an IP Address, you may refer to our Migration email for that information.

You may find the email(s) via this EMAIL HISTORY LINK . It will most likely be the most recent email with a subject of "DNS Update required - Host Koala Migration Team"

EXTERNAL MAIL APPLICATION ( Like Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail, ThunderBird, GMAIL )

If you are using an external mail application, and require a new incoming/outgoing mailserver , you may refer to our Migration email for that information.

If you require further assitance
Please open a SUPPORT TICKET

Best regards,
Host Koala Migration Team